Uses for an SEO Competitor Analysis

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to SEO, you need a way to give yourself a competitive advantage. After all, SEO is a key component of an effective digital marketing strategy. We all know that in order to have a growth-driven mindset that you need to assess whatever data sources you have available, and this pertains to SEO just like it does for all the other offshoots of digital marketing. Yet, many of us just focus on the data that we can derive from our own collection methods and for our own brands.

Analyzing competitor data can help us gain insights, as well. Here’s a look at some of the most important and valuable uses of an SEO competitor analysis:

Focus on Understanding Not Mimicry

Remember that when you assess competitor’s SEO data, you don’t want to simply copy what they do. You want to understand their methods so that you can assess the overall climate of your industry, and figure out what that means for you. Although you may be similar and you might work in the same industry, the similarities won’t be enough to justify entirely copying them. They could be focusing on a slightly different demographic than you, for example. The goal here is to assess the big picture so that you can determine what is really going on.

Not only that, but it is ideal to handpick at least three competitors who work in your industry that do something similar as you – but the more you have, the better. Your goal is to uncover trends and patterns, not to copy.

Identify Competitor Strategies

Looking at your competitor’s SEO data can not only help you gain insights about the health and effectiveness of their SEO program, but into their digital marketing strategy is a whole. This is one of the key items that you will want to see. As mentioned above, you want to get an overview of these strategies so that you can assess the overall atmosphere of your market.

Now, keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with adopting similar strategies, but you have to be careful to do it in a way that allows you remain true to who you are as a company. Since you can’t compare companies on a one for one basis, copying what they do will do more harm than good. You can be inspired by what you do, but makes sure that you have your own spin.

Uncover New Opportunities

You really never know what will come out during a competitor analysis. You could enter into the process thinking that you are just going to see which strategies they are using, and walk away with a host of fresh insights and opportunities. Here are some examples:

  • New offerings to consider for your customers.
  • Identify new strategies you can incorporate.
  • Possible keywords to consider in your own marketing.
  • Clues about branding or a rebrand for your own company.

It’s true that you don’t want to copy what they are doing, but you can absolutely use the analysis to gain insights and inspiration that will take your business to the next level.

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