5 Signs You’re Running a Bad SEO Campaign

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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SEO certainly isn’t rocket science, but if you’re running your own SEO campaign it can be easy to get confused. After all, all of the information out there on SEO can sometimes be conflicting. Or, doesn’t give you the whole picture or a thorough explanation about the reasons why you should be doing something. It just tells you to do it. A lot of the really really bad SEO stuff has thankfully fallen by the wayside but we still see many well-intentioned website owners running bad SEO campaigns, simply because they don’t know any better. Here are 5 signs you’re running a bad SEO campaign:

You’re not doing research

We get it. Research takes time. Why do keyword research when you know what keywords you want to target? Why research your target audience when you already know who they are? Sure, you might not be totally off by doing things this way, but you’re definitely going to miss out on some opportunities that are found during the research phase of an SEO campaign.

You’re not vetting link opportunities

You know that inbound links are important for SEO, so you’re essentially taking every opportunity that comes your way. The key to inbound link building for SEO is relevancy. Unless another website is related to your website and has a similar target audience, a backlink isn’t worth it, especially if there is any effort involved on your part (like they expect you to write a blog post for them – that your target audience isn’t even going to see).

You’re writing content just to write content

Yes, content is essential for SEO success. But it needs to be good content that target audience members will actually want to read. Posting new content every day that is thin, spun, or has little value isn’t going to make you a thought leader and it isn’t going to help your SEO campaign, either. It’s much better to invest your resources in a few better, long form pieces of content instead of many pieces of content that are worthless. In addition, when writing thought leadership content, you always want to keep SEO in mind and incorporate keywords naturally.

You’re not reporting

If you’re executing an SEO campaign, don’t you want to know how it’s working? SEO reporting for the majority of websites doesn’t need to be too complex. Look at organic search trends month over month and look for steady growth that should correlate with an increase in sales and leads.

You’re taking breaks

Stopping all SEO work, even for short periods of time, can disrupt your organic presence in the search engines. The search engines like to see a website that is well optimized and active, continually posting new content and generating new inbound links.

Doing some of these things isn’t going to be detrimental to your website or your SEO, but it certainly isn’t going to help your campaign or give your website an organic search listing boost, either. If you’re dedicating time and resources to SEO, you might as well do it right and if you aren’t able to do it in house, outsourcing is a viable option.