Make These Website Conversion Improvements to Enhance SEO Results

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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The goal of an SEO campaign is to increase targeted, relevant organic visitors to a website over time. However, while increased organic traffic is certainly great, it’s not doing anything directly to improve the bottom line. A company is only going to see a return on investment if those visitors are taking an action and converting. For an e-commerce site, the ultimate goal is obviously a sale, but in the B2B world, lead generation websites are looking for leads that can work their way through the sales funnel and eventually become a paying customer or client. Here are some improvements website owners should make to make their website conversion-friendly and ensure they are getting the most out of an SEO campaign:

Improve user experience overall

Just as people do judge books by their cover, they also judge a company by its website. If someone lands on a business website that has an outdated design, loads slowly, isn’t easy to navigate, or (heaven forbid!) is not mobile friendly, they are going to look for other options. You could have the best product or service but your poorly designed website lost the sale. SEO and web design really go hand in hand, even though they are separate functions. You need SEO to deliver traffic to a website but you need great web design for that traffic to convert.

Add a lead form to every page

So many website owners make the mistake of only placing a lead form on the Contact Us page, assuming that if someone wants to get in touch, they’ll navigate to that page. The problem with that thinking is that people are 1. lazy and 2. easily distracted. If your SEO program is working as it should, organic visitors are going to be landing on many pages of the website. If every page has a lead form, it’s making it much more likely that they will convert.

Keep the lead form simple

The KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principle is important when it comes to the lead form. You only need to ask for necessary information such as a name, phone number, and email address and then let your sales team handle the rest from there. Follow up conversations can determine what they’re interested in and how they heard about you. Asking for too much information upfront is usually a turn off. It’s better to get only the basics than risk losing the lead altogether.

Add call to actions

A website should be designed in a way that encourages website visitors to convert. Call to actions should be placed strategically and tell website visitors exactly what you want them to do.

There’s obviously more to website conversion, but these are the elements that are the most obvious and also most overlooked. Some website owners are “too close” to their own website that they aren’t even realizing that it’s not as conversion-friendly as it can be. In this case, it’s in their best interest to hire a 3rd party conversion improvement specialist that will look at the website with a fresh perspective. Investing in conversion improvements can help a website owner get the most out of their SEO investment.