Give Your Digital Marketing Firm the Benefit of the Doubt

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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You spent a lot of time vetting digital marketing firms until you found the best one to hire. With the process underway, things appear to be going smoothly. They’re performing the work needed to boost your online presence, and you’re happy with the way things are going.

However, you start to wonder, are they doing enough? Maybe you start reading articles that you found online, you start getting sales emails from other firms, or you have a discussion with someone about digital marketing.

Through all this, you may start to wonder if the agency really knows what’s best for your company. The seed of doubt has been planted. Now what? Well, remember that if you were confident about your choice while initially vetting companies, chances are pretty good they know what’s best for you. Here’s a look at why you should trust their expertise and give them the benefit of the doubt.

You Hired Them for Their Expertise

Chances are pretty good that you hired them because you thought they were the best firm for the job. They have a proven track record of success and you trusted their expertise. This fact didn’t change as you began working together. The same principals that they applied to help their past clients achieve their goals they are now using for your benefit.

In other words, you hired them for their expertise. It’s time to trust that they know what they are doing and let them execute the strategies that they have proven work over and over again. You wouldn’t tell a plumber that you hired that they know a more efficient way to unclog your drain, right? You hired that plumber because you needed someone who knew how to do it.

Digital Marketing and SEO Isn’t Always Glamorous

Ethical digital marketing, which includes White Hat SEO practices, is steady and predictable. Firms that use ethical and white hat strategies are completely focused on following the guidelines set by Google. Since Google is the top search engine, they pretty much dictate how successful your SEO program will be. The problem with this approach is that it isn’t glamorous. It can take a while for the results to kick in. The waiting game is essential, but it can be frustrating, especially if you don’t quite trust the process yet.

In order to achieve long term success, it is crucial to follow ethical practices, including Google’s Guidelines, otherwise your success will be fleeting or worse, you’d end up with a penalty. Once you end up with a penalty, your SEO results will take a hit and never recover. Strategies that work over the short term are likely black hat strategies, which puts your business at serious risk.

Develop the Bonds of Trust Through Communication

Since digital marketing is such a long process, it is crucial to develop a bond of trust with your SEO partner. You want the firm to be up front with you about what they are doing. They should be available to answer any questions that you have and make you feel comfortable that they are the right firm for the job. If you have a question, a good firm will encourage you to ask and will use it as an opportunity to educate you.

Once you begin to see results, you will realize that they are, in fact, qualified to deliver the results that you desire to help your business grow. The key is to trust their expertise and know that they’ve developed the best strategy for your needs.