Role of Psychology in Digital Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Sure, the purpose of marketing is to attract the right target market. So, we make lists and create strategies, and implement the strategy so that the targets and objectives can be achieved. This is the way marketing looks on the surface, but there is actually a lot more that goes into this. There is psychology involved, and it is a lot more than we realize.

The truth is, even if a marketing processional doesn’t realize it, psychology does play a role in marketing. It helps you determine behaviors and triggers so that you can craft the best digital marketing strategy possible.

Here’s more information about the role psychology plays within digital marketing:

Get to Know the Target Audience

Yes, psychology is involved with identifying the target audience. You need to define your target audience based on behaviors, values, lifestyles, and more. Identifying the target audience is only part of this, the other part is that once you know who the audience is, you need to determine their behaviors.

You can’t market to them unless you know exactly what makes them tick. What motivates them? Why do they make decisions? You can absolutely determine this information by analyzing data, but the data won’t be enough. You need to apply the principals of psychology in order to really do this step justice.

Using the Knowledge, You Gain

Thinking about the role psychology plays in marketing often makes people feel uncomfortable. The reason for this is that they are nervous that the knowledge will be used to manipulate and coerce people into buying from you when that isn’t what they wanted. This is the wrong way to look at psychology and the role it plays in digital marketing.

The reality is that you can’t successfully attract your target audience without psychology, but the information gained actually helps create a softer touch. It allows you to find the right language to use when writing website content and blog posts. It helps you discover the right images to use on your website and social media. It allows you to craft an excellent PPC ad that will help people click through to your landing page. This is the right way to use the knowledge that you gain.

Use Psychology to Create a Great Strategy

Ultimately, the information and insights you gain by using the principals of psychology in you digital marketing will help you create a great digital marketing strategy that will actually get results. After all, if you don’t understand your audience and their behaviors and triggers, you won’t understand how they operate online.

You want to be where they are so that you can attract people to your business that will embrace who you are as a company. Psychology shows them that you have what they are looking for. Psychology helps them discover if you will meet their needs or not. If you know what they are looking for, you can deliver the right messaging that will get them on your side. You need psychology for this.