Use Niche Keywords to Grow a Brand

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Niche keywords are not taken seriously by many digital marketing strategists for one big reason: low search volume. On one hand, this makes sense since everyone wants to use keywords that are searched for often. Niche keywords have their place as well and can actually provide benefits to your brand. Here are some things to consider when choosing keywords that will help to grow your brand:

Benefits of Niche Keywords

While niche keywords may not be searched as much as broad keywords are, there are benefits to using them. Consider that there is less competition when using niche keywords. If someone is looking for your exact product or service, your site, social media, or blog result is going to be on the first page because there are so few of you using niche keywords.

Through keyword research, you will discover which niche keywords and phrases are more likely to generate the most traffic. These niche keywords can also provide ideas for content for your blog. You can attract your target audience by writing content that offers valuable information, tips, and industry news. It’s a great way to build trust.

Grow Your Brand

When you have a brand, especially a new brand, one of your goals is to get it recognized and become familiar to your target audience. Depending on your competition, it can be difficult to set yourself apart from the pack. Niche keywords can help. By understanding your target audience and researching to find out the keywords they are using, you can use this information to grow your brand. Imagine another brand that sells a similar product or service as yours, but they have chosen to use broad keywords.

By using niche keywords, you are going to have a leg up on them and get noticed. Getting noticed on a consistent basis by customers and new eyes is how you grow your business over time. You can improve your chances of page one search engine results by honing in on niche keywords and implementing them into your content and throughout your website and social media.

A Balancing Act

Using niche keywords doesn’t mean you should avoid broad keywords altogether. The truth is that some of your target audience will use broad keywords when conducting searches. They might not know exactly the specifics of what they’re looking for just yet, but they are in the market for a service or product that you offer. For those who do know exactly what they’re looking for, down to size, color, or material, they will use niche keywords and phrases. Avoiding niche keywords because they aren’t searched as often is a mistake that can cost you not only in terms of sales, but in your brand becoming known.

Niche keywords can be just the boost you need to grow your brand. Don’t avoid them because they have a low search volume. Niche keywords can help to improve your search engine results, which is exactly what you need for your target audience to find you.