Digital Marketing Agency Communication Is a Must

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When you choose to work with a digital marketing agency partner, it goes without saying that you want to achieve results. In order to get what you want out of the relationship, you need to feel comfortable.

You also need to feel listened to. If the agency has great communication skills, the chances of you achieving the results you want go up considerably. If they aren’t communicating? Well, the frustrations that this cause can not only hurt your relationship, but the results as well.

Communication Creates Transparency and Trust

First of all, communication is essential because it provides transparency. When they are in touch, you always know what is going on. The feeling of transparency that this gestured causes goes a long way to build your relationship with them. From there, transparency grows into trust. When you trust them, you let them do their work, and your results are likely to improve. These are two essential ingredients to having a great relationship with your agency partner.

We have seen this over the years. As an example, we have worked with clients who have been burned by a previous agency. They enter the relationship with us with misgivings. They might act with paranoia. They could let their fear affect their communications with us. Over time, however, our transparency proves to be healing. Once they know we are really looking out for them, and invested in their results, they tend to settle down.

Lack of Communication Creates Problems

On the flip side of this, lack of communication creates problem. When we work with clients who are damaged from previous partnerships with other agencies, we usually uncover that poor communication was at least partially to blame. Lack of communication creates feelings of mistrust, worry, and stress because the client is unsure if goals are being achieved. They don’t know if the work is being executed. They may worry that their money is going to all go to waste.

We know from our combined 40+ years of experience in the digital marketing space that clients respond well to excellent communication. Not having great communication can cause unnecessary issues. Preventable issues. Not only that, but good communication improves customer service in general and is a vital part of maintaining a solid brand reputation. Here are some issues poor communication can cause:

  • Not being aligned with the goals
  • Confusion over who is performing work
  • Stress, worrying if the investment will pay off

What to Do When Working with a Digital Marketing Agency

The goal, then, is to choose a digital marketing firm that will mirror your communication style. You can vet the company from the beginning by asking up front how the agency keeps in touch with its clients. You won’t even need to ask a good firm what their process is, they’ll simply tell you. From there, you should do your best to take them at their work, even if you have been burned.

We believe that communication is the key to not only creating a great partnership, but to producing results. Communication is the foundation of everything.