Don’t Let Your Brand Stagnate Online

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When you establish your brand online, you may start out strong and invest your time in all of the tasks that need to be done to make sure that people are aware of it. You get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible and are active on social media. You post content regularly to keep your followers engaged. As time goes on, you may be less consistent. You post new blog content fewer times per week. You update your social media a fraction of the time you used to.

While you might think that as long as you are posting at all, you are benefitting your brand, posting more and more infrequently can actually be doing more harm than you realize. If you want your brand to thrive, creating a digital marketing plan that is consistent will help.

Digital Marketing Keeps Your Brand Visible

Keeping your brand active and engaged with its following online is important as stagnant brands do not do well online. Imagine that someone on social media comes across one of your recent blog posts and decides to read it. If they find it interesting, they may follow you or sign up for your newsletter. Even if they don’t take any further action for a few weeks or months, they will likely be ready to at some point.

Now imagine that a month has passed and you haven’t added any new content. That user will come back, look at your social media or your blog, and find nothing new has been added. They will assume that your brand is now defunct. They may unfollow you and never return to see if you’ve published any new content. When they are ready to fully engage with your company again, you want them to see that you are still in business. You should have plenty of new content for them to delve into.

Tips For Keeping Your Brand Fresh

Be Consistent

This tip cannot be stressed enough. It is important to be consistent when you have a brand that you want to market online. Publishing a new blog on a weekly basis, at minimum, is something you should not ignore. This keeps your audience engaged with your brand and up-to-date on the happenings within the business and the industry itself. A brand that posts consistently is one that your target audience knows they can rely on when they are ready.

Don’t Worry About Girl Content

While content that goes viral naturally is a good thing, this is not something you want to focus your time and energy on trying to manipulate on purpose. You may spend too much time on one piece of content with this goal when you could have created multiple valuable pieces in the same amount of time. It’s completely unpredictable what content will go viral and when. You could have a piece from weeks or months ago go viral because suddenly the subject matter resonates with your target audience.

As you can see, keeping your brand active on your own website as well as on social media plays an important role in your business.