Tips To Help You Write Better SEO Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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In the past, writing good SEO content meant filling each piece with keywords. The idea was that algorithms weren’t as sophisticated as they are today and that was the most effective way to write SEO content. Today, algorithms are more sophisticated and content doesn’t need to be stuffed with keywords in order to be successful SEO content. Of course, keywords are still important, but they can be used less aggressively. Content these days needs to be high-quality and offer your audience a lot more. Here are some tips on how you can write better SEO:

Good SEO Content Needs Great Titles

Before someone reads your content, they will see the title of the piece. This makes the title important not only for your audience, but for your SEO as well. A great title will hook readers. The title should let them know exactly what they’re going to get when they read the content. You can pose a question that is relevant to your audience. You can create a list of solutions to a problem. If you know your target audience, you know their needs and wants.

Subheadings are just as important as the title of your content. Each subheading should be thought of as a mini-title that lets the reader know what that paragraph is going to offer.

You want to make sure that your content sticks to the promise of the title. If you go off on tangents, your audience won’t trust your content. This means they won’t like, share, or engage with your content, which is bad for SEO.

Good SEO Content Should Stay on Topic

As mentioned above, each piece of SEO content should stay on topic. This is good for SEO because you can stick to a few relevant keywords throughout the content, but your readers will also appreciate that you deliver what you promised in the title and URL. If someone was curious about how to write good SEO content, but this article began talking about how to get more likes and shares, it wouldn’t be providing the tips that your target audience was looking for. If you find yourself going off on a tangent in a piece of content, save that information for another piece of content and get back on topic with the current piece.

Good SEO Content Needs Good URL Structure

URL structure is an important element of good SEO content. A few of the URL structure elements you should be sure are included are:

  • A CMS that allows you to manually set your own URL for each piece of content. If the defaults aren’t SEO-friendly, this will not be beneficial.
  • A URL should be a short description of your content. A URL is short, so pick a few words to describe the content. This will be good for your SEO. You can use words in your title to help create your URL.
  • Whenever possible, stick to 3-4 words for your URL. There will be times when you might need more or fewer words, but in general, stick to 3-4 words.

Writing good SEO content involves more than the content itself. It’s important to consider all the elements of great content writing in addition to that, but SEO is an important piece of the puzzle.