Trade Shows As a Source of B2B SEO Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Perhaps the most difficult part of delivering B2B SEO content on a regular basis isn’t the actual writing itself; it’s mostly deciding what to write about. B2B SEO clients often over think the content marketing component of SEO. What it really comes down to is simply creating content that your target audience members will find beneficial and that can be edited to include specific SEO elements, including targeted keywords.

What we often tell our B2B SEO clients is to think about everything that happens within the business and breaks it out into topics to write about. This includes all marketing efforts. For B2Bs, trade shows can take up a significant amount of the marketing budget and therefore it’s important to leverage each trade show appearance for SEO by creating trade show focused SEO content.

Here are 4 types of content that should be created for each trade show appearance:

Press release

A press release should be written and published online anytime anything newsworthy is going on in the business. These press releases will appear over time for branded search terms and provide additional information to prospects that are interested in what you have to offer. Presenting at or speaking at a trade show is certainly a newsworthy event. The press release should include information about your business and about the event itself including reasons why your business is attending. Optimize the release by including keywords in the title and body. Its no longer accepted practice to include keyword rich anchor text links within the body of the release and all links should be no followed. However, the full html links that you include still serve an important purpose- they can direct traffic to your site!

Pre show blog post

Like the press release, you should do a write up that will be included on your company blog. Include all relevant information and maybe even give a sneak peek as to what visitors to your booth can expect to see. The goal is to get people excited.

Social media

Social media isn’t just a stand-alone online marketing strategy. It’s intrinsically tied to SEO since the search engines pay attention to social signals, or the content (links) that get shared in social media naturally. Not all of your social followers will be attending the event, so use social media to keep them in the loop and take the opportunity to post live throughout the event. Utilize trade show hashtags that will connect you with others that are at the event or interested in the event. You never know what types of networking opportunities can come out of this.

Post show blog post

After the show is over, write a blog post (or even a blog post series if there is a lot of information) about the event. Be sure to highlight your presence at the event but also include information from other speakers or anything that your target audience would find valuable. After all, the purpose of SEO content is not just to attract the search engine spiders, but also to be viewed as an industry expert by your target audience.