Do These Things Regularly for SEO Success

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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infographics background seo optimizationThe key to achieving SEO success and maintaining SEO success is to keep at it regularly. It’s not the sort of campaign that you can turn off and turn back on, expecting to be right where you left off. If you take any time off from SEO work it will likely coincide with a gradual dip in organic traffic. Here are the things you should be doing regularly for SEO success:

Be on the lookout for links

It’s important to dedicate time every month to finding new link opportunities. Even if you only find a few a month, it’s certainly better than nothing. Besides, the search engines prefer a link portfolio that grows gradually over time. Set up Google Alerts for your company, brand, products, service, and prominent employees. Visit these pages to check for a link and if there isn’t one, reach out to the webmaster and ask for one.

The worst that can happen is they say no! Using a link tool like Open Site Explorer, export link portfolios of competitors and relevant industry sites. Work your way through the lists, making note of the best opportunities for your website. Since links are so important for SEO, it’s important to always have a link building mindset. When it comes to any business activity think, “how can I get a link from this?”

Write great content

New Content Text written on notebook page
Even if you have the greatest content on your website already, it’s not enough. The search engines like to see a steady stream of fresh, high-quality content published on your website. Every new page of content is an opportunity to rank for specific keywords in the search engines and can generate natural, inbound links. Ideally, every website should be producing at least a few blog posts a month, preferably more.

Share content in social

Social media is a great branding tool and can indirectly impact SEO, since a strong brand naturally generates inbound links. An active social media presence allows a company to connect with target audience members on a more personal level. If you’re writing lots of great content, you obviously want it to be seen. There’s no guarantee that website visitors are going to find it and it will take time to rank organically, so sharing content in social media is a great way to get eyes on it in the short term.

Follow SEO news

The SEO industry is constantly evolving. If we were still using the same tactics we used even just a few years ago our campaigns would, at best, flatline and at worst, be penalized. It’s necessary to stay up to date with search engine algorithm changes and industry best practices. If you won’t remember to visit industry blogs regularly, sign up for their newsletters and browse their weekly emails to stay up to date.

No matter how busy you are, it’s important to set time aside to dedicate to SEO activities on a regular basis. If you can’t guarantee that it will be done, it’s worthwhile to outsource these activities to a trusted SEO firm.