5 Components of Successful SEO Today

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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What’s both exciting and frustrating about the SEO industry is that it’s always changing. We are at the mercy of the search engine algorithms which are constantly being tweaked. That’s why it’s so important for SEOs to stay up to date by reading the search engine Webmaster Guidelines and SEO blogs. What’s acceptable one day could be frowned upon the next and you don’t want to be the guy that’s using outdated tactics that could get a site into trouble.

For a successful SEO campaign today, here’s what works:

Keyword research

Keywords are still at the foundation of an SEO campaign. In order for your web content to rank in the search engines it needs to include keywords that match the intent of the searcher. This is a basic rule to SEO that hasn’t changed. The search engines are smart, but they aren’t that smart. If you aren’t using keywords the search robots won’t understand that your content is a match. Of course, keyword stuffing is big no-no. Implement keywords naturally without forcing them. Keyword research provides you with insights as to how prospects are searching for what you have to offer.

On site optimization

SEO best practice is to optimize every page of the site. Implement selected keywords into the title, Meta description, URL, and body content of each page. This is only half of the equation as inbound links are what generate search engine trust, but a website that is well optimized and has inbound links will perform better than a site that hasn’t properly been optimized.

Industry site research

SEO is no longer about trying to attain any link possible. Relevancy is now the most important factor to consider when building links so that in addition to building a link portfolio, the link can also generate traffic to the site. Industry related directories, blogs, forums, etc. are the best places to build links. Start with the sites that you already have relationships with. Maybe you advertise on a site and could start submitting content. An audit of your SEO competitor’s inbound links can also provide some insights on new opportunities.

Blogging and guest blogging

An SEO campaign is nothing today without content. Each page of content that you publish is an additional opportunity to rank in the search engines for targeted keywords. Content is also what generates natural inbound links back to your site if the content is referenced on third party sites. It’s important to maintain an active business blog on your own site. Guest blogging is a way to attract the attention of a brand new audience and establish connections with other industry bloggers that could potentially lead to new business opportunities.

Social media

Social media and SEO should no longer be viewed as separate marketing activities. Social media activity ties directly into an SEO campaign. The search engines want to rank content that is valuable and take the social popularity of content into consideration. When content is shared in social media it creates a “social signal” to the search engine spiders and improves the SEO of the content.


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