3 Types of Posts to Share to Keep Your Blog Active

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Blog ActiveThere are numerous benefits to operating a business blog. It’s an avenue to share your expertise with target audience members and be viewed as a trusted source of information. It helps SEO efforts by adding an additional page of content to the site each time a blog post is published that can be crawled and indexed and can eventually rank in the search engines for related keyword searches and keeps the site “fresh”, which is attractive to the search engines.

It helps to fuel a social media strategy, as each blog post can be shared with social followers. Of course all of these benefits rely on one thing- keeping the blog active! A business blog that isn’t updated on a regular basis is just as bad (or maybe even worse) than not having a business blog at all. We get it, keeping a business blog active can be a daunting task, especially for a small operation that is low on time and resources. What can make it less intimidating is sharing different types of posts, some of which don’t take as long to create as others.

Here are 3 types of blog posts that you can be sharing:

Informational blog posts

Informational blog posts should make up the majority of your blog post content. These are the most important types of posts to have because they are what truly show off your expertise. These posts can be referenced across the web and help to generate natural inbound links to your site. Of course, these posts also tend to take the most amount of time to create. That’s why it’s OK to supplement informational long form content posts every so often with the following types of posts.

Video blog posts

If your business has created lots of videos and has been posting them to YouTube, why not share those videos in your blog? Write a quick introduction to the video, embed the video, and you’re done! If you’ve never created a video, it’s really not that hard to do. All you need is some video content (have you ever conducted a webinar, held a training, spoken at an event, etc.?) and simple editing equipment. Video posts are good because they can attract a different kind of audience than the people that prefer to read long format text posts.

Roundup posts of other great content

It’s a smart idea to read up on other industry blogs and publications online. Not only does this improve your knowledge but it also might give you a chance to comment on a blog and make a connection with someone else in the industry. Often there is an “I’ll help you if you help me” type mentality in social media. If you create a roundup post that includes links to other great content that you’ve found valuable and share it with your social followers, the authors of those posts will be more likely to engage with you in social media and share your content with their followers. It’s a way to promote goodwill within your industry community.


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