No Need to Embrace Every Digital Marketing Trend

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to digital marketing, people are often under the impression that what is new and trendy must surely yield amazing results. While this could certainly be the case, it is important to be careful when it comes to the trends. Not everything that is popular will be beneficial to your brand. It is important to weight the pros and cons of embracing the trends before deciding what to implement.

Old Strategies Work Well

The strategies that work best online are not always the most glamorous. Regularly posting valuable content, posting on a consistent schedule for social media, working on your SEO program, and other activities, such as pay per click advertising, can all yield good results. These strategies are also fairly unglamorous and rely on regular, consistent effort.

That is exactly why it is so easy for people to chase trends. They believe that something new and shiny may prevent them from doing all this grunt work. While it could be that some of the new strategies that people embrace could work pretty well, many of them result in a flood of success initially, but that success eventually dries up.

Not All Trends Are Bad

It is important to understand that not all trends are bad. In fact, many of them could work quite well. The ultimate goal is to closely examine each trend to determine whether or not they will work well for your business. Rather than try a new strategy right after it was developed, consider waiting until more data is out as to whether or no it works. Too often, a trend could have promise, but it eventually fizzles out as people realize that the success couldn’t be sustained. You want to avoid this from happening to you – it is much better to try strategies that have been proven to work.

Create a Balanced Approach

The optimum approach is to create a strong base program for your digital marketing that includes content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, and other tried and true strategies that work well. These strategies should be worked on a consistent basis before you even think of testing out new strategies. Once your marketing foundation is created, you can easily test a new strategy once in a while.

Risks is a huge factor when determining if a new strategy is worth adopting or not. If you don’t have a strong foundation in place, and you place all your hopes on whether or not a new strategy works, this could make or break or your business, depending on how well the strategy does. If you have a strong base, this minimizes risk considerably. If a new strategy doesn’t work, then it won’t matter that much. You can cut ties with this strategy as you continue to work the base of your marketing program.

When it comes to digital marketing, it is important to create your foundation first. After that, you can consider whether or not you will embrace the trends.