Finding the Right Keywords for SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Keywords are the foundation of SEO. Although the industry has gone through many changes, the fact remains that keywords are still vital, even if we have to think of them differently than we did ten or more years ago when it was a lot newer off a concept. The truth is, find the right keywords is an art, and in order to choose the right one, you have to take a step back and understand some big picture considerations, first.

Here’s more information about locating the best keywords within your SEO program:

Know Your Big Picture Goals

Although this may seem like an unnecessary step, it isn’t. You have to know your big picture goals, not just for your SEO efforts, but for the business as a whole. The reason for this is that everything you do to marketing your business, and SEO certainly falls under this, will be done with the intent of using the marketing to increase business. If you don’t have this clearly defined before you embark on your SEO journey, you won’t get as much out of it.

Your big picture goals will help you zero in on the right keywords that will connect with your audience. If you don’t know what the goals are, knowing which keywords are “right” will be simply guesses. Knowing the goals will keep things focused.

Learn How to Assess Search Patterns

You can ascertain certain search patterns by viewing lists of keywords for your industry. The keywords can give you vital clues as to how people search for information in your industry. That is why each of keyword sessions starts with creating a large master list of keywords using certain root phrases that pertain to the industry where you do business.

By scanning the list, you will notice that patterns emerge, and these can help direct your focus when creating a more specific list. For example, you may have an expectation that your audience is searching for information a certain way. The keyword list can either confirm this or prove it to be incorrect. Keywords that seem to be the best targeted fit should make it in a master list.

Understand Keyword Intent

Keyword intent has always been an important part of SEO, but this is true now more than ever. The intent of the keyword can help direct your focus when creating content, for example. Not only that, but it is absolutely needed when you think about your audience. The keywords are on the front lines when it comes to attracting the right audience.

After all, it is this very detail that helps them find you in the search engines. When they look for information in the search engines, they no doubt are looking for certain things. So they use the keywords to connect them to what they want. When you consider keyword intent when selecting keywords, you stand a greater chance of being found in the search engines by your audience.

These tips will help you pick the best keywords possible to connect your business with your target audience. After all, that is ultimately why you would do SEO in the first place!

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