Content Marketing: Value Beats Volume

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that all companies can benefit from incorporating content marketing into an overall digital marketing strategy. However, not every content marketing strategy is created equally, and not every business needs the same focus. The strategy depends on a variety of factors.

In addition to that, there is a choice we all have to make. Do you work to churn out a large volume of content or do you focus on quality and value? Ideally, you should hit a sweet spot. Write as much content that you can that has a high value. If volume makes the value suffer, then you’re writing too much.

Strategies Driven on Volume Fail to Deliver Value

Many of us know a poor-quality article when we see it.  The writing feels stilted, harried, and confusing. There is a lack of depth and flow. Simply put, it looks like someone rushed writing it in order to meet a specific word count or had a time limit because they had to write another one.

A volume-driven strategy often looks sloppy and disorganized, and this won’t do you any good. Search engines will dock you because of the poor quality. You’ll lose audience because people aren’t resonating with your content, and in general this content will underperform. In general, it’s because it was so poorly written that all of these negative items could occur!

Goal is to Build Trust with Your Content

Ultimately, your goal is to build your audience’s trust via your content. If your content is poorly written because volume was the priority, then you won’t build trust, you’ll actually lose trust. Contrast that with content that was carefully and thoroughly written. It covers a topic completely. It’s engaging and well written.

This is the kind of content your audience finds to be pure gold. Think about this way – if you want people to become paying customers, they need to learn to trust you. They can do this through the content, but only under certain circumstances. The content needs to be written as well as it could in order to build trust.

Learn How to Understand Your Audience

It all comes down to understanding your audience. Who are they? What makes them tick? What types of content are they looking for? Analyze your audience thoroughly so that you can understand their behaviors. What kinds of topics are they reading in your niche or industry? The answer to this question will determine your next steps.

What happens if you don’t understand your audience? Well, your content won’t resonate that well. Readers can feel if you had other priorities in mind when putting together your content. They want to feel values and as if they are the most important thing. They should feel like this! After all, they need to believe in the subject matter in order for you to make progress.

As you can see, content marketing is a great way to get visibility for your business. However, this is only if it’s done well.