Results is the Main Goal of Digital Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When we first start working with our clients, we spend a lot of time with them so that we can assess their goals. Depending on what their goals are, we then come up with a digital marketing strategy that will best help them achieve their goals. Typical goals could include:

  • Getting more leads through their contact form
  • Making more sales on their e-commerce site
  • Increasing their client base

Although these goals might look vastly different, digital marketing has all the same components. Each strategy will likely include content marketing, social media, and SEO. However, even though the details might change depending on the business, the main idea is still the same. Results are what matter, and those are uniquely defined depending on the business.

Consider the Big Picture

Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing, we need to focus on the results to measure its success. To do this, we need to consider the big picture when it comes to assessing data. Sure, we look at metrics like total traffic, leads, conversions, and organic traffic. However, none of these numbers will amount to much if the business isn’t achieving its goals.

It is important to monitor the data, but then understand that it takes time to create momentum, maybe as much as a year or more. However, the time it will take to achieve results depends on a variety of factors such as the state of the economy, the industry, and how well the content is written.

Beware of the Happiness Myth

Getting results is often a gritty task, and one that requires staying in the trenches, and to execute what is needed may not bring “happiness”. Let me explain. We may have a brainstormed list of 50 article titles that will be written over the next year. These titles were carefully selected because it is the type of content that will best align your brand with the audience.

Every now and then, we have had a client express “displeasure” as to how “boring” the content is. Perhaps we could write about something more interesting, or maybe even break up with the boring content with something more interesting, like a hand-drawn cartoon. Yes, believe it or not, this is something we have been asked in the past.

In most cases, when a client wonders why the content can’t be more “interesting”, their suggestions are to the detriment of their own brand. If they want to get results, it takes a certain type of content to get them there. Just because the client thinks a topic is “great” doesn’t mean it will get results. And this is where the “happiness myth” comes in. The splashy content might have made the client happy in the short term, but this happiness will have been fleeting if they don’t achieve their goals.

Results aren’t all about “good feelings” and “happiness”. Sometimes, it is a thankless, gritty pursuit. Months could go by without a noticeable increase in results, but the once the results come, it will be hard to stop them, as long as you execute the right digital marketing strategy.