It’s True That Content Matters in SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that content marketing and SEO go hand in hand. In fact, these days, it’s almost impossible to execute an SEO campaign without also having a solid content marketing plan. Although SEO does take into account other things, such as the link portfolio and technical items such as the URL structure oh the website’s pages, content is at the cornerstone.

However, you can’t just throw up content on a random basis and sit back and watch the organic rankings rise. There has to be some thought put into it. When formulating a content marketing strategy, you absolutely need to consider SEO and vice versa. Whether you are creating new pages for your website, publishing new articles on your blog, or revising older content, these are activities that can help boost the content on your website.

Here’s a look at how content matters when it comes to SEO:

There’s a Relationship Between SEO and Content

There is a clear bond between search engine optimization and your content marketing, and this should at least should be at the back of your mind while marketing your business online.

  • Content gives the website more chances to rank for certain keywords and could therefore boost your organic presence.
  • If the content is well written and appeals to your audience, people will spend more time exploring the site. This could also help give SEO a boost.
  • Keywords, a vital part of SEO, could also be used to give you ideas for more content, and this keywords could also be sporadically interspersed in the content.

As you can see, when it comes to digital marketing, you can’t help but consider the the relationship between SEO and content.

Understand That Your Audience Comes First

One huge mistake people often make is that they assume that because SEO and content are interrelated, you need to write the content with the search engines in mind. The reality is that if you write primarily for the search engines, the content might seem flat and lifeless, as well as overly stacked with keywords. If you write content in order to rank better for the search engines, it could even be in violation against Google’s guidelines.

However, when content is written for your audience, the opposite happens. The content will be engaging and interesting, and people will love reading it. What’s even more interesting is that if you write content for your audience, it stands a better chance of doing well in the search engines. The algorithm is sophisticated enough to know that higher quality content pleases the people who read your pieces. When these individuals are happy, you may find that your content will likely start to do better.

It’s true that there is a clear correlation between SEO and content marketing. You can’t really have one without the other! While you should keep this in mind, it is still important to make sure that you are actually creating your content for your audience, not the search engines.