Do You Need to Change Your Social Media Strategy?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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No two businesses are the same, and that is why no to social media strategies should be the same, either. While it could make sense that your strategy might have similar elements as your competitors, this doesn’t necessarily mean it will resonate with your unique audience. There are other factors that could impact your social media, as well, such as the quality of your content, the time of day you are posting, and the number of followers that you have.

When we initially plan our social media, generally we make the best decisions possible based on current data. Over time, as new data develops as you work the program, you might not be exactly where you want to be. If this is the case, you might need to give your social media program a reboot. Here are some insights that will help you decide what to do:

Give Your Existing Program Time

First of all, it is so important not to get too eager to make changes. You need to give your existing program enough time to work. In other words, if you have only given your existing program one month before declaring that it wasn’t working, you haven’t given the strategy enough time to prove itself. Sometimes it could take a month or more for the program to start gaining momentum. If you put a lot of thought into this strategy, you should give it at least six months or even more before you start making changes.

The reason for this is that you need to have enough data in order to assess if it’s working or not. One month of data simply isn’t enough, especially since social media gains momentum as time goes on. Of course, there is a fine line between being too eager to change, and not being eager enough. Social media should gain momentum at a fairly steady rate, and if it isn’t, you should examine making some changes after six months or more of working the program.

Take Into Account Industry or Business Changes

Let’s imagine that you feel as if your social media is actually working pretty well. It is increasing at a steady rate and gaining momentum with each passing month. Your followers and engagement have increased. You’re even getting some traffic to your website because of it. It may look as if you don’t need to make any changes and that you should keep things as is.

Then, your industry goes through some rapid changes. You might be reluctant to react to these changes on social media, but you should think twice before being too conservative. It is okay to react to industry and business changes by altering your social media program slightly.

However, it is in your best interest to do this at the same time as you are working your existing program. Your current program is what gave you your current success. If you need to use your social media to make announcements or address some of these changes, it is best to do that on top of your existing schedule.

It is okay to give your social media program a refresh, as long as it doesn’t impact your long term success.