Branding Tips for Website Design

Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing
A website is a collection of interactive web pages linked by hypertext or links (hyperlinks) for easy navigation and reading. The website generally provides information about the company’s products and services, as well as its history and current activities. The purpose of websites varies from one organization to another.
Some companies use their websites to maintain information about everyday activities and plans for future events. So, website branding creates a brand identity for successfully capturing leads, which can be attributed to website optimization. Here are some branding tips to keep in mind for the web design process:
Define Your Company’s Story
Your story is the essence of your company. The website is a great place to present your story and provide a space for customers to share their experiences with your products and services. To build brand loyalty, a company should provide content on its website that is engaging and enjoyable to read. Content can be in the form of articles, blogs, or how-to instructions for using the products. Those instructions could be for customer assistance or helpful information about using the product for enjoyment.
Keep it Clean, Simple, and Clear
Your logo, colors, and font are the only things you can control as much as possible. When creating your website, ensure these elements are easy to read, edit and understand. When a customer is first trying to navigate your site, they may need help finding the information they seek. One way to keep it simple is to ensure the navigation buttons (if any) are easy to understand and use. A customer may need a computer expert to shop on your site.
Choose the Right Colors
Colors are essential in determining a company’s image. Studies show that colors can evoke emotion, such as red eliciting passion or blue being calming and serene. Colors directly affect how your customers view your company and its products. For example, many companies like nature or forests try using wood grain color schemes on their sites. You should choose colors based on your company’s logo, but ensure it’s appropriate for the site and its products. Also, if you have multiple brands, make sure the colors are different enough to distinguish each brand.
Make Your Site Accessible
While accessibility is not as crucial to a non-profit organization, it is essential for commercial or business websites. If you have an e-commerce site or a site that sells products and services, customers may want to find out about your company and how you conduct business. Ensure all your web pages are accessible to people with disabilities and those who may not have the latest browser and operating system. Also, ensure your site is mobile-ready, as customers use more mobile devices to search for products and information.
Branding is not just about how things look. It’s a complete image that the customer associates with your company. Build a unique story; customers will want to stay connected to it through the website. Remember, not all websites are created equal, and yours needs to be professional and use high-quality content. You cannot change how customers see your company, so please consider their opinions as you develop your web presence.