How to Make Your Blog Work for SEO
Categorized in: SEO
One of the most important components of a search engine optimization campaign is content since it’s what can be optimized using keywords and is what generates natural links. That’s why a blog should be incorporated onto your website. However, just adding a blog to the site isn’t going to magically result in an SEO boost. In order for the blog to be an effective tool in your SEO toolbox you’ll need to work at it.
Here are 3 ways to make your blog work for SEO:
Keep it active
The number of articles that you post on the blog correlates with how much the blog is going to contribute towards your SEO campaign. Each blog post can rank in the search engines for related keyword terms and deliver traffic to the site, can be used as a resource within other content and obtain inbound links, and can be shared in social media. Posting 10 posts a month gives you 9 more opportunities than if you only posted 1. Of course, you always need to make sure that quality is the top priority. Don’t just post something for the sake of fulfilling some quota. It’s important to make sure that it will actually be beneficial to target audience members, not just the search engine spiders.
Integrate keywords
With the entire recent search engine algorithm updates, one thing has become clear- content should be natural and written for target audience members, not the search engines. Although, keywords are still an important part of the equation. If you want your content to appear in a search result for a specific keyword, that keyword obviously needs to be included in the content. The most important placement for the keyword is within the title of the post. If you are going to write a “how to” post, try searching for different things with potential titles to see what is suggested in the search engine box. These keywords are what people are looking for, so you can write a post to match that query.
Social integration
SEO and social media shouldn’t be operated in separate silos since they are closely tied together today. The search engines pay attention to what links are shared in social media, which contributes towards “social signals”. Obviously links to your blog posts should be shared through your own social media accounts, but what’s necessary is to get the links shared by others in social media. Encourage blog visitors to share your content by including a call to action such as “Like what you’ve read? Please share here!” and include icons for all of the most relevant social media accounts. You don’t need to have a distracting list of every social site that exists. Focus on the top 4 or 5 that are the most relevant to your audience. For example, a B2B should probably list LinkedIn first, whereas a B2C probably won’t even list it at all.